Sunday, February 5, 2012

"The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands."

I know, I'm crazy. I always have something going on, so despite it looking like I do nothing (a stay-at-home mom without a super-tidy home?? what does she do all day? right?), I'm always doing something. Even if it's just planning a bazillion things at one time. Seriously. Like, right now, I'm already thinking of what I want to do for my birthday (mid-August... and I'm thinking a Roast... like on Comedy Central... where people spend an hour making fun of you. Could be fun for all.) and now Brandon has put in that he wants a big party this year, as well... Not to mention all of the planning that's been going into getting a photography business started up... as well as staying on top of the latest MRSA news... and being Mama. But, I've had this latest concept in my head for some time now and I think I'm actually going to put it to fruition.

An Annual Charity Baby Shower. We would throw a big baby shower... silly games, yummy food, maybe even mimosas for the 21 & ups who want a little drinky-drink... But, the whole point is this- to bring gifts for those who are less fortunate. As mothers, we ALL know what it takes to raise a child. Heck, even the necessities (diapers, wipes, clothes, carseats, bottles, and formula for those who can't or choose not to breastfeed) cost a LOT of money.

{before I go any further, I'm going to share a little story with you}
As some of you may know, my sweet Harley-girl was born six weeks after my nineteenth birthday. I didn't have a job. My husband did. He worked at WalMart at the Tire & Lube Express. Overtime. All the time. His mother was sent from heaven and allowed us to stay with her & just pay what we could, when we could (which, usually, wasn't anything at all... maybe an electric bill here or there). She purchased the crib & changing table, my dad & step mom painted the nursery, my grandmother purchased a comfy glider rocker, ALL of our friends and family bought our sweet little girl clothes and diapers. We had two car seats, a wipe warmer, a breast pump, a baby tub... and the gifts kept coming. My friends Danielle Davis and Emily Macheski-Preston even bought Harley her very first Halloween costume. She was a cow. (The cutest cow ever!!) Every thing that new parents could possibly need- and even things that I had no idea would come in so handy (breast milk storage bags?? but, wouldn't she eat everything that came out?? thanks to hyperlactation- no where close : Emily, I feel your pain). My point is this- it was ONLY by the grace of God and the unbelievable support of those around us that we were able to provide for our little angel. I now have a daughter who will be ten in September who has never known, from the time she was conceived, what it means to have to "go without". We were blessed, indeed. But, so many aren't. I've seen, firsthand, people who can't afford a crib, so their baby has no choice but to sleep in the bed with them. People who can't afford warm clothes for their baby, so instead they have no choice but to keep them inside or wrapped in nothing but blankets. I've seen people on Craigslist BEGGING to borrow formula from someone until their next pay day. And while I know that there are some people who may be putting themselves first and taking care of their own wants ahead of the baby's needs- it's not my place to determine that. I want to take care of the babies. To give them what they will need... but I can't do it alone.

I still have more research to do, and I'm sure that some of you ladies will know a little more about different charity organizations that we can donate to, but I really want this to be a successful event. I was thinking we could all bring new, unwrapped items (as few or as many as you can afford), as well as any left-over, no-longer-needed baby/maternity items that you have laying around. I would also like for each of us to get a new baby bottle (4 or 8 oz) and have that thing filled up with money (i don't care if it's filled with pennies that you grabbed from under your couch cushions, or if your neighbor gave you fifty ones to put in there) that will go to one of the charities. If a few people want to go in together to purchase some of the "big ticket items" like a car seat or a crib or a mattress... that would be AMAZING. Invite your friends, tell them to invite their friends. Invite every woman you know. Invite every pregnant woman that you know. Every new mother. Every grandmother. If you know of an expectant mother who is need, let her know about this event. I'm shooting for April. To me, that month just symbolizes birth. Largely, in part, to that being the month that Easter usually falls in &, as a Christian, that is the ultimate symbol of birth (the re-birth, rising of Christ)... Also, I was thinking about getting some people (maybe some teens from a local youth group or something?) to volunteer to monitor a child care area so that we could all bring our children... they could have activities set up for the different age groups, and even a movie going for the kids that just wanna watch a movie. Again, this is still a work in progress, but I would really like to know how many of you ladies are up for it? How many of you would be interested in helping me to even organize this thing & talk to businesses about sponsoring this event and get the word out? We could set up "planning meetings"... lets just really make this happen. There are so many women and BABIES that really need us. Feel free to "share" this so that we can get the word out & get as many people involved as possible!!!

"At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done.

We will be judged by 'I was hungry and you gave me to eat, I was naked and you clothed me, I was homeless and you took me in.'

Hungry not only for bread -- but hungry for love. Naked not only for clothing -- but naked for human dignity and respect. Homeless not only for want of a room of bricks -- but homeless because of rejection." - Mother Teresa

1 comment:

  1. I will have PLENTY of maternity stuff,,,and would be willing to help however I can :)
